Happy Neurospicy Brain Tips

The quickest way to get your ADHD brain to cooperate and perform its magic is to create an environment filled with things you enjoy.

When the space you’re in makes you smile, your brain can relax.

As much as possible, Do creative things!

1 ~ Decorate!
Take the stack of pictures and artwork and hang them on the walls. If you like things to be super straight and organized, do that. If you prefer random, then leave the measuring tape & level in the bottom of the drawer where you think you last saw it… and… hang things wherever you like them!

2 ~ Hide your doom piles!
A beautiful room screen works wonders for blocking the doom pile from your vision.
Put the piles in a drawer or a plastic bin.
Out of sight, can help relax your mind. Yes, you’ll need to address those piles later, but getting a break from seeing them can calm your mind enough for you to get other things done and have more time to handle them when the time is right.

3 ~ Plants!
Plants add beauty & color to any room. If you’re not great at keeping plants alive, choose super easy, low maintenance. As you can see in the picture, I adore Pothos & enjoy allowing them to trellis along my walls.

4 ~ Clean what you can!
Zero guilt, zero “have to”… clean as much as you can, when you can. Whether that means a hyperfocused afternoon of binge cleaning to get everything done, or simply tossing the trash and organizing a bit while you’re walking through a room.

5 ~ Choose just one space!
Pick one space at a time to make your personal brain oasis. Once you’ve used this specific space as your place to focus a few times, you’ll start to slide into a more peaceful pattern there.

6 ~ Reward progress!
Acknowledge the progress you make as you make it. Small rewards give our brains much needed dopamine that help us move into the next task more easily.

7 ~ Stop should-ing on yourself!
This really applies to everything. Celebrate what you do get done and focus on the progress. You’re going to want to change things up as you go along, and it’s fine to look at this space as an ever-evolving project. Nothing has to be “complete”.

Each step towards giving your neurospicy brain a background environment that is beautiful & relaxing is a step closer to a happy neurospicy brain!

If you’d like some help customizing your space, send me a message & we can work together.