Overcoming Fear the Neurospicy Way

ADHD is a liar sometimes! It’s easy to get yourself into a full-on fear spiral & paralyze yourself before you even get started.

Many ADHDers own their own businesses and the biggest fear can be putting themselves out in the world.

You’re super passionate about what you’re doing.

Super skilled. Hyperfocus makes sure of that.

But… when the time comes to show the world your amazing gifts, FEAR kicks in.

What if it’s stupid?

What if they make fun of you?

What if no one else is excited by your thing?

What if it doesn’t work?

For most of us, not asking means it’s always a, “maybe”.

Soooo… how do you get yourself out of the fear loop and into the light?

~Friend Share

Talk to a friend about what you’re working on and ask them to be supportive in their opinions. Let them know upfront that you’re feeling unsure / fearful about this plan and that you need someone who won’t criticize your plan.

~ Success List!

Spending 5 minutes writing down times you’ve succeeded in the past can help you start to feel better and get you in the momentum of future success.

The things you write down can be big or small. Even if you have to start with writing that you were able to get out of bed at a decent time this morning. Everything counts!

If there are aspects of the current project you’re working on that you’ve already succeeded with, definitely include those!

~ Fantasy Play!

Time to get physical!

Grab some stuffed animals, put them in a row, and practice your pitch to them!

Pretend you’re an outside observer who has to tell someone else what you know about the project. Take some notes about the things you focus on conveying while you’re doing this.

~ Baby steps!

Start small and share your project with a few people at a time.

Find a super large facebook group where you’re sure you’re going to be just a small voice in a very busy crowd. (bonus if your idea happens to be received enthusiastically).

Overcoming fear by playing with it can take the wind out of the spiral.

If you’d like customized ideas and a plan, reach out & we can work together to make it happen.